Hey there, I’m Louis Wolf. I’m an explorer…
I started my journey in 2013 when I explored places with incredible landscapes around the globe. It was then that I evolved from sole photography to the search for cultures, remote places and mysteries in different countries and civilizations.
I understand that beyond the images there is a narrative that is often forgotten in the search for fame on the social networks. For this reason, my work aims to once again offer protagonism to places as they are, to people, forgotten cultures, and ancient mysteries, without filters.
I hope to connect you to the experience and self-knowledge resulting from these encounters.
See you in our content and beyond! Keep exploring!
Much love,
Luiz Carlos Lopes (A.K.A Louis Wolf)
Awards and Media
Behind the Photo - Outdoor Photographer Magazine - July/2016
Landscape Photographer Magazine - Issue 69 - November/2016 - Pg. 25
IPOTY 2016 - Nature: Landscapes (Amateur) - Honorable Mention
Canon College Award - Natureza Exuberante -2º Place - Full Frame - March/2017
National Geographic Brasil - Edição física de Março/2017
Brooks, Streams and Rivers Assignment Winner - Outdoor Photographer Magazine - August/2017
Beaches And Shorelines Assignment Winner - Outdoor Photographer Magazine - October/2017
Silver Award - Epson International Pano Awards - 2018
Honorable Mention - IPA (International Photo Awards) 2019
Expedição Pantanal 2021 na Mídia
Mamãe onça enfrenta outra onça-pintada que tentou mexer com o filhote dela no Pantanal de MT e fotógrafo carioca registra a cena | Mato Grosso | G1 (globo.com)
Soninho bom: fotógrafo registra cochilo de porco-espinho no Pantanal
Rio Mountain Festival 2022 - Finalista