Best Points to Photograph in the Faroe Islands - Streymoy and Eysturoy

In the previous post we showed you how to get to the Faroe Islands and what are the best places for you to visit on the island of Vagar, which is the island where you arrive by air. Now, let's go deeper and take you to see the other two big islands around here: Streymoy and Eysturoy.

Streymoy is the main island of the Faroes, where the capital Tórshavn is located. Here you will certainly find everything you need in terms of accommodation, basic items and even more advanced ones for your trip. But does not stop there: the island of Streymoy has several points that you will not want to lose sight of.

Refuel with supplies and gasoline in the capital and head north to visit Fossá, the great double waterfall, with its roadside trail. Then, enjoy the sunset at Tjornuvik beach with the immense columns in the middle of the sea.

Fossa Waterfall

Fossa Waterfall

Sunset at Tjornuvik

Sunset at Tjornuvik

All locations are within easy reach, with parking practically on the side. Be smart to stop and also enjoy the views along the road, especially the Kaldbaksbotnur fjord.

Eysturoy is one of the largest islands that form the Faroe Islands. Here you will find a bit of surreal landscapes. In Eysturoy, to take pictures of the place you will need at least an average hike to reach the right peaks.

We can say that it is the third island, for those arriving at the airport in Vagar and is accessible by a bridge and a underwater tunnel.

To explore this island, all it takes is a few hours' drive on small roads and tiny towns. The highlight is due to the untouched views of the Nordic sea and its fjords.

Prepare at least a full day to get to know Eysturoy. If you want to calmly climb Mount Slættaratindur, reserve another day. Wear firm and comfortable walking shoes and be careful when stepping on wet rocks.

The waterfall next to the city of Eidi.

The waterfall next to the city of Eidi.

The view of the Funningur fjords from Mount Slættaratindur

The view of the Funningur fjords from Mount Slættaratindur

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